Planning your trip to Campbell River and wondering the best way to get here?
You have a few options from planes to ferries. Our local Tourism Office has done an excellent job of explaining all the options for traveling to our region here.
Getting to our Office
Our office is located in the (bright red) Float House at Dock E in Discovery Harbour Marina.
If you are using Google Maps to locate our office please use this link.
GPS directions: – use “Robert’s Reach Road”
To Campbell River on the Old Island Highway (19A)
Continue on Highway 19A through Campbell River. Once you pass the Quadra Island Ferry Terminal, turn right into the gravel parking lot at the first set of lights (Roberts Reach Rd).
Drive toward the water and follow the gravel road parallel to the water. You will see our floating office on your right — Campbell River Whale Watching. Free Parking is located where most of the vehicles are parked, pay parking is located in the area closer to the access ramp. Please be aware of the signs!
There is free as well as pay parking in this area. Please be cognizant of the signs.
The access to the marina is at the north end of the parking lot.
Walk down the ramp and turn right – you will see a red barn shaped building with a green roof, and that is our office – called “The Floathouse”
To Campbell River on the Inland Highway (Highway 19)
Continue on Highway 19 to Campbell River, once coming down the hill into Campbell River turn right on at the third set of traffic lights (Highway 19A). Stay on Highway 19A, turn left at Roberts Reach Rd (third set of traffic lights) into the gravel parking lot.
Walk down the ramp and turn right – you will see a red barn shaped building with a green roof, and that is our office – called “The Floathouse”.