8.5 – 9.5 hours
Aug 20 – Oct 15
8:30am &10:00am

“The XWE’MALHKWU, or Homalco, First Nation are known as the people of the fast running waters … Like other Coastal First Nation peoples, the Homalco thrived on the bounty of the ocean, lived well in the village sites, and had all other necessities for everyday living. Travelling with the seasons for gathering, hunting and fishing, the Homalco people shared in the resources throughout the territory, and above all were taught to respect the ever-so-sacred cedar tree.”
– quoted from the Homalco Wildlife and Cultural Tours website
Journey to the Orford River Valley
aboard a comfortable, high-speed covered vessel where you will be taken on to the traditional territory of the Homalco First Nation via bus to a series of viewing platforms. The Orford River offers some of the best Grizzly Bear viewings on the West Coast and we can guarantee that this tour will be the experience of a lifetime. Join us as we take our time travelling to the Orford, prioritizing time to stop to view whales and wildlife along the way.
We are proud to offer the longest Grizzly Tour into Bute Inlet, at 8-9 hours long, with a focus on marine wildlife viewing, as well as Grizzly Viewing.
We require a minimum age of 10 years old to participate in this tour.
Curious to read a first hand account of the tour? Check out this blog by guest blogger and photographer Kristian Gillies.
Pricing for Grizzly tours is broken down into three seasons, early season, primary season, and late season. In the Early season the salmon run is just starting, and we often see bears more spread out as they feed on shellfish and vegetation awaiting a rainfall to bring in the fish. We offer this period at a discounted rate. We also discount our late season rates as we move to the end of September because we have far less visitors to the area (despite the fact that sightings are still amazing!)
Early Season Rate (August 20 – August 27) $499
Primary Season Rate (August 28 – September 26) $545
Late Season Rate (Sept 27 – October 15) $499
On this tour you will enjoy:
Age Restrictions: All passengers must be at least 10 years old